Updated December 2023
This can mean a wide variety of things, and is deprecated by the writers of 61340-5-1. Although the term is widely used, it is better to avoid it if possible.
ElectroStatic Discharge. When the electric field strength in air becomes sufficiently high, its insulating properties break down and charge can flow away in a rapid discharge. ESD can have very short duration high current levels and an cause ignition of flammable materials or damage to electronic components.
ElectroStatic Discharge Sensitive device. An electronic component that could be damaged by ESD.
Handling of ESDS within a temporary EPA, for example at the customer's site.
ESD Protected Area. An area in which static electricity is kept below levels that could cause damage to electronic components handled within the area.
In the IEC 61340-5-1, three types of ground are recognised, and may all be referred to as "ground"
electrical mains protective earth. This is the usual method of connecting EPA ground to mains electrical safety earth.
functional ground. A ground stake or other separate earth.
equipotential bonding. In a case where no earth connection is available, it is sufficient to connect all ESD control items to a common connection point.
In IEC 61340-5-3 this is defined as packaging that makes contact with ESDS, for example the inner surface of an ESD protective bag.
In IEC 61340-5-3, this is defined as material not making contact with ESDS but which is used to enclose one
or more devices. For example the outer surface of an ESD protective bag, or ESD packaging used to contain ESDS already within other packaging.
In IEC 61340-5-3, this is defined as material used primarily to give additional physical protection to the
outside of a proximity package. E.g. cardboard boxes, padded bags, polythene wrap.
In IEC 61340-5-3:2022, this is not defined aalthough it is generally understood to mean a material such as pink polythene which does not charge up as much as ordinary packaging materials. Annex D of IEC 61340--5-3 discusses this parameter.
The word "conductive" has a range of meanings within the context of different standards and should be treated with care. It has specific meaning in ESD protective packaging, defined by IEC 61340-5-3 as a material that has volume or surface resistance less than 10 kΩ.
The word "dissipative" has a range of meanings within the context of different standards and should be treated with care. It has specific meaning in ESD protective packaging, defined by IEC 61340-5-3 as a material that has volume or surface resistance greater than or equal to 10 kΩ but less than 100 GΩ.
Insulating or insulative material
The word "insulating" or "insulative" has a range of meanings within the context of different standards and should be treated with care. It has specific meaning in ESD protective packaging, defined by IEC 61340-5-3 as a material that has volume or surface resistance greater than or equal to 100 GΩ
discharge shielding packaging
Packaging, barrier or enclosure that limits the passage of ESD current and attenuates
the energy resulting from an electrostatic discharge such that the maximum
energy from 1 000 V HBM ESD applied to the outside of the packaging is less than or equal to 50 nJ measured inside the packaging.
Surface resistance
This is the resistance of a surface measured by a concentric ring electrode test method defined in IEC 61340-2-3. It is NOT the same as "surface resistivity" and is typically about a factor of 10 less than surface resistivity as measured in some other standards. Methods of measuring surface resistance for compliance verification are also given in IEC 61340-5-4.
Point-to-point resistance
The is the resistance measured between two electrodes placed on a surface, defined in IEC 61340-2-3 and ESD S11.11. Methods of measuring point to point resistance for compliance verification are also given in IEC 61340-5-4
This is the electrical resistance measured from a point on an ESD control item to the ESD facility ground.